Two doses of Pfizer vaccine protect against hospitalisation from omicron surge, study shows

Two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provided 70 per cent protection against hospitalisation from Covid-19 in recent weeks in South Africa, a real-world study has revealed.

The study was conducted by Discovery Health, South Africa’s largest private health insurance administrator, and was based on some 211,000 positive Covid-19 test results dated from 15 November through 7 December.

At least 78,000 cases included in the study were attributed to the omicron variant, suggesting that the Pfizer-BioNTech jab offers protection against hospitalisation and severe illness from the new variant of concern.

However, as these were not confirmed cases, the study was unable to draw definitive conclusions about the impact of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on the variant and warned that all findings should be considered preliminary.

During the study period, analysis conducted by Discovery Health’s clinical research and actuarial teams, in collaboration with South Africa’s Medical Research Council (SAMRC), determined that two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech jab offered 70 per cent protection against hospitalisation and 33 per cent protection against infection.

This represents a drop from the 90 per cent protection against hospitalisation and 80 per cent protection against severe illness witnessed during South Africa’s outbreak of the Delta variant.

Despite this, Glenda Gray, SAMRC president, said that it was important that the Pfizer-BioNTech jab seemed to be offering strong protection against severe disease and hospitalisation.“We are extremely encouraged by the results,” she said in a statement.

The study also found that two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine maintained levels of protection across adults aged 18 to 79 years of age, with slightly lower levels of protection found amongst the elderly.

It also determined there was a higher risk of reinfection during the fourth wave when compared to previous waves but found that the risk of hospitalisation among adults who contracted the virus was 29 per cent lower than during the country’s first wave.

Among children, although there is a very low absolute incidence of hospitalisation, the study found that during this wave of infections children had a 20 per cent higher risk of hospital admissions with complications during this wave when compared to the first wave of the virus.

Two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine appear to provide 70 percent protection against hospitalisation from the Omicron coronavirus variant, according to an extensive real-world study in South Africa.

The analysis released on Tuesday by South Africa’s largest private health insurance administrator, Discovery Health, was based on more than 211,000 positive COVID-19 test results of adults from November 15 to December 7, about 78,000 of which were attributed to Omicron.

The 78,000 results are not confirmed Omicron cases, meaning the study is not able to draw conclusive findings about the new strain, which the World Health Organization (WHO) has labelled a “variant of concern”.

The discovery of Omicron was first announced in November by scientists in South Africa, and the country is the first to experience a surge in COVID-19 driven by the Omicron variant.

South African scientists have so far confirmed about 550 Omicron sequences, with the variant accounting for 78 percent of sequences from November, a higher share than the previously dominant Delta variant.

The discovery of a new strain of the coronavirus last month triggered alarm that it could cause another surge in global infections, and led many countries to impose travel restrictions on the southern Africa region. South Africa’s daily infections have since risen to almost 20,000 in recent days.

Based on analysis by Discovery’s clinical research actuarial teams, and in collaboration with South Africa’s Medical Research Council (SAMRC), the real-world study calculated that two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech offered 70 percent protection against hospitalisation during the recent surge in cases and 33 percent protection against infection.

The level of protection is high considering that the WHO renders a COVID vaccine effective if it provides 50 percent protection.The study cites data gathered from the first three weeks of South Africa’s Omicron-driven wave and may change as time passes. The researchers emphasised that its findings are preliminary and not peer-reviewed.

South Africa is using the Pfizer-BioNTech and Johnson & Johnson vaccines in its COVID-19 immunisation campaign, with more than 20 million Pfizer doses administered so far.

It concluded that there was a higher risk of reinfection during the fourth wave than during previous waves and that the risk of hospitalisation among adults diagnosed with COVID-19 was 29 percent lower than during the country’s first wave early last year.

Children appeared to have a 20 percent higher risk of hospital admission with complications during the fourth wave than during the first, despite a very low absolute incidence, it said.Discovery cautioned that the study’s findings should be considered preliminary.

Glenda Gray, SAMRC president, said it was important that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine appeared to be offering good protection against severe disease and hospitalisation.

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